Restart 重启 Back



YEAR: 2020

CLIENT: TEDxHangzhou

“重启”restart主题释义21世纪20年代在一开始似乎就按下了暂定键,好像世界都停滞了,隔离让我们有了更多时间去思考自己,去看待这个世界。就该这样一如既往的忙碌下去吗?就该这样安于平凡人云亦云吗?我们急需一个新的打开方式,所以,请重启,去挑战,去点燃这个世界吧 活动目的:让志愿者了解TEDx杭州的发展历程及未来的工作计划;以互动游戏、共创活动让志愿者之间相互了解,增进彼此的感情

The definition of the theme of "restart" seems to have pressed the temporary key at the beginning of the 1920s, as if the world had stopped. Isolation gives us more time to think about ourselves and the world. Should we keep busy as before? Should we be so content with the common people? We need a new way to open, so please restart, challenge and ignite the world Purpose of the activity: Let volunteers understand the development history and future work plan of TEDxHangzhou Let volunteers understand each other and enhance their feelings through interactive games and co creation activities