Uncharted 未知 Back



YEAR: 2020

CLIENT: TEDxHangzhou

当你习惯了用概率论解答问题时,你是否还记得薛定谔的猫中,事物的多态存在?你是否看到了常态化后面的未知? 一场疫情,突如其来的隔离,工作停滞不前,生命开始走向不确定,未知的话题被赤裸裸地抛在你眼前,你是否开始真正地考量起未知? 正如阴阳相济,“Uncharted”就是阴阳鱼里的一只,不断将“未知”转化为“已知”,从而拓展人类已知世界的边界。 从十七世纪跨越到二十世纪,因为对“光”的“Uncharted”,牛顿、惠更斯、托马斯·杨、菲涅耳等科学家跨世纪论战不休,努力揭开了遮盖在“光的本质”外面那层扑朔迷离的面纱。 从十九世纪横跨到如今,因为对“平等”的“Uncharted”,克拉拉·蔡特金、罗莎·卢森堡、西蒙·波伏娃、苏珊·朗格、朱迪斯·巴特勒等平权运动者从各维度出发,终于在哲学上解决了性别二元对立的天问。 从混沌太初的上古,从生产力落后的古代,从史观单一的从前,从无数的时间碎片里,因为无数先驱对“Uncharted”的爱与狂热,因为无数游动的不安分的探索——个人先是成为了面目模糊的“人类”,“人类”又走向了渐渐各异的“个体”。 这份热爱应该持续燃烧下去。 

People always confuse possibility with probability. When you are used to solving problems with probability theory, do you still remember the polymorphism of things in Schrödinger's cat? Have you seen the unknown behind normalization? An epidemic, sudden isolation, work stagnation, life begins to become uncertain, unknown topics are thrown in front of your eyes, have you started to really consider the unknown? Just like yin and yang, "Uncharted" is one of the yin and yang fishes, constantly transforming "unknown" into "known", thereby expanding the boundaries of the known world of human beings. From the seventeenth century to the twentieth century, because of the "Uncharted" of "light", Newton, Huygens, Thomas Young, Fresnel and other scientists have been debating endlessly across the century, and they have worked hard to uncover the mystery of the "light" nature. "The confusing veil outside. From the nineteenth century to the present, because of the "Uncharted" of "equality", Clara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Simon Beauvoir, Susan Lange, Judith Butler, etc. Starting from various dimensions, affirmative action activists finally solved the problem of gender binary opposition in philosophy. From the chaotic ancient times, from the ancient times with backward productivity, from the past with a single historical view, from the countless fragments of time, because of the love and enthusiasm for "Uncharted" by countless pioneers, and because of the restless exploration of countless swimming—personal First, they became "human beings" with vague faces, and then "human beings" moved towards gradually different "individuals". This love should continue to burn.