Wonderful Creatures 清嘉万物 Back




YEAR: 2020

CLIENT: TEDxHangzhou

清嘉万物,即万物呈现出美好的样子。大会旨在“护生态之新芽,还万物以清嘉”。 此次创意,基于大会的环保主题特点以及对主题文案中意象的集中提炼,以及《道德经》与《望海潮》的融入,最终从双氧水的化学式、伏羲女娲的双生、螺旋状态中孵化出主视觉的形象。 绿色双尾纠缠响应伏羲女娲双尾; 万物苍生的概念则用“道一,生二,三万物”的自然道法和双氧水电解产生的“万物之源”的方式比表达; 最后采用经典的宋体,延续《望海潮》中“清嘉”二字对万物之美描述,传达“人与自然相依相生”的美好希冀。

This creative concept is based on the environmental theme of the conference, the concentrated refinement of the imagery in the theme copy, as well as the integration of the "Tao Te Ching" and "Wang Haichao". The final main visual image is hatched from the chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide, the twin birth of Fuxi and Nuwa, and the spiral state. The green intertwined tails respond to Fuxi and Nuwa's double tails; the concept of all living things is expressed through the natural Taoist method of "Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, and two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things" and the "source of all things" produced by the electrolysis of hydrogen peroxide. Finally, the classic Song font is used to continue the description of the beauty of all things with the two characters "Qingjia" in "Wang Haichao", conveying the beautiful hope of "people and nature coexisting and co-prospering".