Native-speakerism?White supremacy? Back



YEAR: 2020


在亚太地区儿童英语教学市场中调查中发现存在种族阶级差异和不公正问题。 集中体现在,皮肤是白色的就能被称得上是外教;有色人种,哪怕英语再好,也会成为英语培训机构压价的筹码,甚至被某些家长称之为怪物。

儿童外语培训应在没有歧视的教育环境中展开。 针对该现象,特设计此海报,主体人头的设计借用扑克牌图形,旨在打破这个“上与下”的绝对概念。 但是被自己的国旗所束缚而无法畅所欲言,揭示其在教育市场上遭受到的歧视有苦说不出的现象,最后用“我喜欢教育、我喜欢小孩、我喜欢世界,为什么我要对我的国籍撒谎”这个slogan,点出在外发展的世界朋友们,本该引以为傲的国家,却会成为自己事业发展的天花板,这样不合理的现象,我们当引起反思。


After conducting a survey on the children's English teaching market in the Asia-Pacific region, it was found that there is insidious racial discrimination. Specifically, individuals with white skin are often referred to as "qualified foreign teachers," while those non-white teachers, even if they have excellent English proficiency, are used as bargaining chips by English training institutions and even labeled as 'monsters' by some parents.

Children's language learning should be acquited in an environment free from discrimination. To address this issue, a poster was designed with the main figure using the graphic of a poker card. The aim was to break the absolute concept of "up and down." However, the individual was unable to speak out about the discrimination they faced in the education market due to being constrained by nationality. The slogan "I love education, I love children, I love the world, Why should I lie about my nationality?" was used to point out that world friends who are developing abroad should take pride in their countries, but instead, these countries become a ceiling for their overseas career development. This unreasonable phenomenon should be deeply reflected upon.

In doing so, it highlights the need to break the absolute concept of racial distinctions among foreign teachers and to contribute to the diversity and inclusiveness of the English teaching market.