Hope in the Green Weeds 风起青萍 Back




YEAR: 2022

CLIENT: Co-children

大风起于青萍之末,滚滚长江东去六千三百余公里,惊涛拍岸,碎浪如雪,淘尽英雄,但其源头不过是溪流浅滩。每一个生命都是亿万分之一的奇迹,从亿万个精子的竞争中与卵子结合,直到蹒跚迈出第一步,然后被给予一个饱含了祝福的名字。 之后呢?是漫长的降落。

当一个10岁的孩子高声唱出《孤勇者》的时候,他也会攥紧拳头,血液奔涌,相信在未来的某一刻,自己会是一道光,像奥特曼那样,他们有不可战胜的信念感与不可救药的乐观心态——直到被成年人掌握话语权的世界击碎,所以唱着孤勇者的他们越是认真,短视频另一端的成年人笑的越大声——即使这些孩子带着100%的真心却依然不被理解,他们站到天台上对着父母大声喊出自己的梦想,却依然无法被听到。 我们以自诩的冷静、理性、成熟回应了他们的热情、好奇与真诚。


在魔法世界的至暗时刻,年迈的邓布利多对凤凰社成员不多的嘱托之一就是:“Harry is our best hope. Trust him.”在一个相信权力与力量的世界里,带来改变的不是新的恶龙,而是无畏的勇气。孩子们是最后以及最好的希望,因为是他们会决定未来会是什么样。


也希望一场对话开始,“孩子们”这个词能被搁置在一旁,让他们成为他们。 只有这样,才能真正的看见他们,听见他们,理解他们。 而你在晃神的瞬间,再回首,年少时的梦啊,是一朵永不凋零的花。

The great wind rises from the green weeds. The rolling Yangtze River, whose waves lap at the shore, breaking like snow, panning out the heroes, goes for more than 6,300 kilometers. However, the source of it is nothing but a shallow stream. Each life is a miracle of the competition of billions of sperm to unite with the egg. Each hobbling is to take the first step, and then be given a name full of blessings.What is after that? A long landing process.

When the 10-year-olds sing "Lone Brave" aloud, they also clench their fists with blood rushes, believing that at some point in the future, he will be a light, like Ultraman/ They have a sense of invincible faith and irredeemable optimism - until they are shattered by the world where adults hold the power of speech. The more seriously they sing, the louder the adults laugh. Even with 100% sincerity, children are still not understood. They shout out their dreams to their parents, still unheeded.

We responded to their enthusiasm, curiosity and sincerity with our self-proclaimed calmness, rationality and maturity.

It's actually a divide in the name of love.

In the darkest hour of the wizarding world, one of the few mandates old Dumbledore left to the Phoenix is: "Harry is our best hope. In a world that believes in power and strength, it is not the evil dragon but fearless courage that brings change. Children are the last and the best hope, because they are the ones who will decide what the future will be like.

We do hope that the conversation can start without 'children', and let them be them. Only through this way can we see them, hear them and understand them. Looking back again when you are out of mind, the dream we had in our childhood is a flower that never wilts.