Gap Year 间隔年 Back



YEAR: 2022

CLIENT: feacher

在躺平和内卷之外,是否有第三选择?有越来越多年轻人选择了暂停/逃离/放弃自己手头的工作或学业,选择以“间隔年”(Gap Year)的方式来探索新的人生可能性。但是,“Gapper”并非一帆风顺,他们常常会面临着来自“社会时钟”和“同侪压力”的影响。在《feacher非老师》的播客节目中,主播Fiona邀请了四位不同国籍的年轻人,通过对谈展示了Gap Year的A面和B面。

为了还原“切面”的概念,我在此次设计中将字母“Gap”三字3D展开,次要关键词(social clock、peer pressure)沿着“Gap”造型正反贴合并展开,好比一幅卷轴。四位嘉宾回顾在2022年之前的Gap经历,相同的是嘉宾在2022年接受了主播Fiona的采访,不同的是每位嘉宾Gap的时间段,因此在“Gap”图形的首尾处拼接了对应的时间节点(xxxx,2022),以响应“Year”的概念。

在Gap year中,每个人都在探索自己的生命议题,过程中展现出的活力与韧性当被称颂。若将显示屏视为一个单位的Gap year片段,那么其中的(Social Clock、Peer Pressure)等关键词,便是Gapyear片段中的一部分切面,与其说关键词于屏中来回弹性穿梭,不如说这就是人在此议题中所展现出的状态。

Apart from 'lying flat' and 'rat race', is there a third choice? More and more young people tend to choose to pause/escape/abandon their current jobs or studies and explore new possibilities by taking a "Gap Year." However, being a "Gapper" is not always easy, as they often face the dilemma caused by "social clock" and "peer pressure." In this podcast episode of "feacher", the host Fiona invited four young people from different countries to showcase both the positive and negative aspects of a Gap Year in dialogue.

To illustrate the concept of "slices," I designed a 3D display of the letters "Gap" with secondary keywords (social clock, peer pressure) along the positive and negative curves of "Gap" like a scroll. The four guest speakers shared their Gap Year experiences before 2022, and while each had a different Gap period, they were all interviewed by host Fiona in 2022. Therefore, the corresponding time points (xxxx, 2022) were added to the beginning and end of the "Gap" graphic to respond to the concept of "Year."

In a Gap Year, everyone is exploring and discovering their life issues, and the vitality and resilience displayed during the process are highly praised. If we view the display screen as a unit of a Gap Year segment, then the key words, such as "social clock" and "peer pressure" are just a part of the "slices" of a Gap Year segment – rather than bouncing back and forth on the screen – they represent the state that people display in life exploration.