feacher Reading Camp Back



Brand Creative: Malcolm

YEAR: 2022

CLIENT: feacher Podcast


▶ feacher=future+teacher,slogan是from feacher to future,意味着拥抱未来。



在feacher,我们聊一聊英语学习、个人成长、自我探索之路上的微小观察和发现。 一起永葆好奇,拥抱未来:) P.S. 节目目前没什么明确的定位,主播本人会从她的好奇心和兴趣出发进行盲盒式创作。

The boundaries of disciplines can be infinitely broken, and the labels of identity can be infinitely reconstructed.

▶ feacher=future+teacher, the slogan is from feacher to future, which means embracing the future.

▶ feacher is also the mirror image of teacher (reflection, also translated as reflection), which means breaking the identity label, being able to switch to the "human apprentice" who is always curious, and reminding oneself to stay humble and constantly self-reflecting.

▶feacher is finally (by the way) a combination of Fiona+teacher, and the anchor, Ms. Faye, is not actually a teacher.

At feacher, we chat about the tiny observations and discoveries on the road to English learning, personal growth, and self-discovery. (Together, we will always be curious and embrace the future :) P.S. The show has little clear positioning at the moment, and the anchor herself will create blind boxes from her curiosity and interests.