Co Children Brand Desgin Back



Brand Creative: Malcolm

YEAR: 2022

CLIENT: Co Children

CoChildren倡导“赋予儿童行动权利,构建多元童年”, 我们以优质内容创作为核心,综合课程研发与培训,并通过构建社群生态服务以促进社会变革力量的内容平台。我们的目标对象是0-6岁儿童场域中的家⻓与儿童教育工作者。

平台的Slogan是Co-construct the world with Children,它传递的是我们所倡导的基于社会建构主义的「儿童观」,即,将儿童视作为一个丰盈有力的主体,邀请ta一起来共建共创,而不仅仅是只能被保护被灌输的被动存在。



Co-children is an internet enterprise aiming to reshape the image of children as active agents through content creation, curriculum development and community transformative change. Our target audience and customers are Chinese parents and teachers of children aged 0-6 yrds.

The platform's slogan is "Co-construct the world with Children", which conveys their advocacy for a social constructivist "view of children". This means seeing children as powerful and capable individuals, inviting them to co-create the world with adults, instead of being passively protected and taught.

In particular, the use of the preposition "with" in the slogan represents a sense of equality, because we believe that a child-friendly world cannot be solely constructed based on the will of adults ("for" children), but requires the active participation of children themselves.

The design elements of the logo also reflect this philosophy. The main design is based on the letters "Co", which aims to promote the idea that everyone can crouch down and have equal conversations with children, encouraging everyone to pay attention to and participate in child development.