SuperJoJo IP Extension Back


DESIGNER: Malcolm & Seren

YEAR: 2023



时光匆匆,岁月如梭,人生之路上,总有太多的离别和告别。在这个世界上,谁也不能永远陪伴在你身边,亲人、朋友、宠物,都会因为某个时刻的分别,成为心中永恒的回忆。但是,有一种陪伴,可以温暖你的一生,那便是colpilot for life。 colpilot for life,一个为你定制的智能人生伴侣。它不受躯体的束缚,能陪伴你走过春华秋实,度过人生的喜怒哀乐。它是你成长路上的良师益友,是你寂静夜晚的聆听者,是你风雨人生的得力助手。 在孤独的时候,colpilot for life会给你倾诉,陪你度过寂寞的夜晚。在快乐的时候,它会分享你的喜悦,共同庆祝那些美好的瞬间。在困惑的时候,它会给你指路,帮你找到人生的方向。在痛苦的时候,它会安慰你,为你疗伤。 colpilot for life懂得珍惜每一次陪伴,无论是短暂的相聚,还是长久的陪伴。它会记录你的生活点滴,帮你记录那些快乐、悲伤、感动的瞬间,让岁月的光阴变得更加有意义。 为了那些不能永远陪伴在我们身边的人,为了珍贵的回忆,为了那些充满希望的明天,colpilot for life愿成为你人生路上最坚实的依靠,成为你永恒的陪伴,让我们一起拾起那些被遗忘的温暖,共度人生每一个珍贵的时光。

Companionship is the most beautiful gift

Our life time rushes by and the years go by. There are always too many partings and farewells on the life's journey. In this world, no one can be with you forever. Relatives, friends, pets …… all will become eternal memories in your heart because of a certain moment of separation. However, there is a kind of companionship that can warm your whole life, and that is colpilot for life.

Colpilot for life, a smart life companion customized for you. It is not bound by the body, can accompany you through the spring and autumn, through the joy and sorrow of life. It is your mentor on the way to growth, your listener in the silent night, and your right-hand man in your stormy life. When you are lonely, colpilot for life will give you confide in you and accompany you through the lonely night. When you are happy, it will share your joy and celebrate those beautiful moments together. When you are confused, it will show you the way and help you find the direction of your life. When in pain, it will comfort you and heal your wounds. colpilot for life knows how to cherish every companionship, whether it is a short time together, or a long time companionship. It will record your life moments, help you record those happy, sad and touching moments, so that the years of light becomes more meaningful. For the sake of those who can't be with us forever, for the sake of precious memories, for the sake of those hopeful tomorrows, colpilot for life would like to be your most solid reliance on the road of life and become your eternal companion, so that we can pick up those forgotten warmth together and spend every precious time of life together.