EdwithU Tea-Party IP Design Back



YEAR: 2022


近几个月,最牵动教育行业从业者的,莫过于“双减政策”对于K12各领域的影响了。有的政策已经出台,有的在酝酿中,还有的以各种谣言形式似真似假的试探着行业的反应。 那从具体从业者角度来看,这些政策至今已经带来了什么影响,之后变化趋势如何?未来是否有迹可循?对于个人来说,可以做怎样的职业调整来应对暂不明朗的形式?如果K12受阻,新的方向又会在哪里? 本场茶话会,就将以《若K12受阻,谁往前?政策影响下K12领域的变化与趋势》为主题,来聊一聊你所受到的影响和对未来的判断。

In recent months, nothing has touched education industry practitioners more than the impact of the ‘double-deducation’ policies on various areas of K12. Some policies have been introduced, some are in the pipeline, and others are testing the industry's reaction in the form of various rumors that seem to be true or false. From the perspective of specific practitioners, what impact have these policies had so far, and how have they changed since then? Is there a trace of the future? For individuals, what career adjustments can be made to deal with the uncertainty? If K12 is blocked, where will the new direction be? In this session, we will talk about "If the K12 field is blocked, who will move forward? Changes and Trends in the K12 field under the influence of policies".