Wrongo Visusal Identity Back



Brand Creative: Malcolm

YEAR: 2022


龙果教育是一家成立于2019年的教学机构,坐落于杭州的梦想小镇,创始人皆为名校毕业,拥有着优质的教学资源。我们秉持着超前的理念,专注升学育人,敢为人先,抓基层教育,再将“Wrongo”精神传递给员工及受众。我们的vi视觉形象系统的造型与词义囊括了企业的四层核心理念,即“grit”、“火龙果”、“印章”以及“错误”,既契合企业的定位,又搭建了一个超前且有深度的品牌文化池,对于后期的品宣提供了极大的便利性。色彩的运用凸显了产品的核心竞争优势,即攻坚K12的升学教育。标志与口号的组合又深谙黄金比例之美。“龙果教育”字体为手写,保留了衬线,是对孩子们拙属性的保留与强调,“Wrongo”则采用非衬线的设计,是高效与秩序的体现,不失专业性。对于后 期的品宣提供了极大的便利性。

龙果教育 is a K-12 educational institution founded in 2019, located in the Dream Town of Hangzhou, with founders who are all graduates of prestigious universities and possess high-quality teaching resources. We adhere to a forward-thinking philosophy, focusing on promoting education and advancing students' academic futures. We aim to be industry leaders, starting with the foundation of education and then passing on the "Wrongo" spirit to our staff and audience. Our vi visual identity system embodies four core concepts of the company -- "grit," "dragon fruit," "seal," and "mistakes." This design not only matches our positioning but also creates a deep and forward-looking brand culture pool that is highly convenient for future brand promotion. The use of color highlights our core competitive advantage-- conquering K-12 education and advancing academic futures. The combination of logo and slogan follows the golden ratio, and "龙果教育" uses a handwritten font with retained serif, emphasizing the simplicity of children, while "Wrongo" uses a sans-serif design, reflecting efficiency and orderwithout compromising professionalism.