Flowerself Visusal Identity Back



Brand Creative: Malcolm

YEAR: 2023

CLIENT: 花悦馆 Flowerself



造型与色彩上 造型:花瓶的曲线形状和女性身材相得益彰,寓意着生育和孕育之意。这个设计元素体现了我们对于自然和生命的热爱,同时也表达了我们对于女性美的推崇。 色彩:红色代表感性,而绿色和白色则代表理性。这种色彩组合充分体现了我们对于花卉艺术的理解和追求,既注重情感和美感的表达,也注重技艺和专业的实践。

Flowerself is a flower art-focused enterprise that provides high-quality flowers and floral design services to homemakers and white-collar workers on weekdays.

The logo and VI design of Huayueguan combine the brand positioning and industry characteristics, and extract four core images for in-depth extension: flower vase, curve, uterus, emptiness, and nothingness.

In terms of shape and color: Shape: The curved shape of the flower vase is reminiscent of the female figure, symbolizing fertility and nurturing. This design element reflects our love for nature and life, and also expresses our admiration for female beauty. Color: Red represents sensibility, while green and white represent rationality. This color combination fully reflects our understanding and pursuit of floral art, emphasizing both the expression of emotions and beauty, as well as the practice of skills and professionalism.