Joybabble Brand Extension Back



YEAR: 2021

CLIENT: Joybabble

这张海报设计是为儿童英语机构的图画书《好饿好饿的毛毛虫》阅读公开课定制的。下面是我们的客户Joybabble English(拙趣英语)对这次活动的描述:

欢迎大家来到拙趣英语桐庐分校区的开业仪式!今天我们为大家准备了一个特别的活动——“好饿好饿的毛毛虫”的绘本阅读公开课。这本经典的儿童绘本故事讲述了一个小毛毛虫的成长历程,以及它在不断摄取营养后最终变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。这个故事很好地诠释了春天的到来,万物复苏,生机勃勃。我们将结合春日迟迟卉木萋萋的主题,为大家带来一场有趣又富有教育意义的活动。 在这个活动中,我们将和孩子们一起阅读这本书,并引导他们思考故事中的主题,例如健康饮食和生命成长。我们还将提供一些健康的小食品,如水果、蔬菜、奶酪和饼干,以帮助孩子们更好地理解和体验故事中的健康饮食观念。 除了阅读和讨论故事,我们还将提供一些有趣的互动环节,例如毛毛虫手工制作、户外自然探索、小游戏等,让孩子们在玩耍中学习、在互动中成长。 最后,我们希望这个活动能够为孩子们带来欢乐和收获,让他们爱上阅读和健康生活,同时也期待能够与家长们一起共同见证孩子们的成长和进步。欢迎大家的参与!

This poster design is customized for a picture book Very Hungry Catepillar open class in a children's language institution. Here shows the description of this activity written by our client Joybabble English :

Welcome to the opening ceremony of the Tonglu campus of Joyababble English! Today we have prepared a special activity for you - "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" picture book reading open class. This classic children's picture book story tells the story of a small caterpillar's growth and its transformation into a beautiful butterfly after continuously taking in nutrients. The story is a good illustration of the arrival of spring, when everything comes back to life. We will bring you a fun and educational activity in conjunction with the theme of late spring flowers and trees. In this activity, we will read the book with the children and guide them to think about the themes in the story, such as healthy eating and growing up in life. We will also provide healthy snacks such as fruits, vegetables, cheese and crackers to help the children better understand and experience the concept of healthy eating in the story. Besides reading and discussing the story, we will also provide some fun and interactive sessions, such as caterpillar crafting, outdoor nature exploration, and mini-games, so that children can learn and grow through playing and interacting. Finally, we hope this event will bring joy and rewards to children and make them love reading and a healthy life, and we also look forward to witnessing the growth and progress of children together with their parents. Welcome to join us!